by Annabel Lange, Germany

From her archive of old photographies that she collects on the flea market the artist picked onehundred portraits and created a facebook account for each single one. Onehundred random people from a time when the internet has not even been invented are now friends on facebook. A group without activity embedded in a fluid social network.

A tribute to 'real' photography, to 'real' friendship, to facebook, to the old times as well as to the tiny treasures and the big stories on the flea markets. This is a heartily insight into a 'real' collection and a 'real' collective - or what ever one is able to imagine this to be.

Everybody welcome to dream along and to visit their facebook accounts by clicking the images on the right.

The impulse for this collection came from the wish to have something like an island, a silent area or - literally – a dead zone in the commotion of facebook. It was also about considering the (mostly) very instantaneous way of being there in a wider time-span, to reflect upon the past and future that a social network like this might also incorporate.

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