| projects ~ concepts ~

| untitled (objet trouvé / retrouver) | a work of art - found and found again | 2014 - / 2024
| la vie est belle | various fragrances in public space | 2024 -
| faq | text pieces in public space | 2024 -
| untitled (art safari) | performing fine art looking in ego shooter surroundings | 2023 -
| untitled (the greatest hits) | ongoing collection of audio snippits taken from phone calls on hold | 2023 -
| untitled (street alphabet) | ongoing fontmaking with found graffiti | 2023 -
| Lorem Ipsum | clouds of words | 2023 | images
| untitled (bronze) | cast of a found cowpat | 2003 - 2023
| untitled (countless photographs) | a series of photographs without any film material | 2023 -
| Halbbilder | a series of photographs in the context of the pilgerreise | 2022
| Notizen entlang des Weges | a read and overwritten book in the context of the pilgerreise | 2022
| untitled (metronoise) | short rides on metros around the world | 2021 -
| schubladenelemente | more or less useful pieces of furniture | 2021 -
| untitled ( - schichten) | photographic collection and projections | 2021 - | images
| a pile of sunbeams | light and sound installations | 2021 - | images
| untitled (making up monsters oder: dem ungetüm die krallen lackieren) | styling and makeover for beings along the way | 2021 -
| untitled (at the museum) | photo archive of art pieces and infrastructure in museums | 2021 -
| untitled (good excuses) | an archive of good excuses | 2020 -
| untitled (untitled) | concept and social process | 2020 - | website | images

| collectives ~ cooperations ~ curatorial ~

| The Corner Gallery | exhibition concept and potential gallery space | 2024 - | The Corner Gallery
| The House of Very Fine Arts | a platform for impossible artworks | 2024 - | hdfk
| pilgerreise | walking project | 2022 (& students at hks ottersberg) | images
| looking at it | arty-carty game to make up random art pieces | 2022 (& veronika reichl)
| republik ringenberg | squatting a castle and foundation of a state | 2021 - 2022 (& frank bölter / yvonne klasen / stefanie klingemann)
| untitled (zeichnungen) | handwritten edition for moff magazine | 2020 (& stefanie klingemann) | moff
| klingemann & _ | collaborations and interventions in public space | 2020 - (& stefanie klingemann) | stefanie klingemann

| workshops ~ teaching ~

| im rahmen der fachklasse für neue medien und performative künste an der hochschule für künste im sozialen ottersberg | 2021 - | webseite

| publication ~

| stefan riebel - 1982-2020 | catalogue / 2000-2020 | 2021

| exhibitions ~ presentations ~

| 2023 | gs | what i am @ ostrale | Robotron Kantine | dresden, germany | performance
| 2022 | gs | mein atem @ Welt in der Schwebe. Luft als künstlerisches Material | kunstmuseum bonn | bonn, germany
| 2021 | gs | untitled (broken edit) @ superbien! | rco (& karl heinz jeron) | berlin, germany
| 2020 | gp | untitled (untitled) @ TABOO - TRANSGRESSION - TRANSCENDENCE 2020 | Vienna, austria / online

| see the entire list

* this website presents the artistic practice of the artist after he gave up his legal name in autumn 2020.
  for projects and info regarding stefan riebel (1982–2020) please visit: www.stefanriebel.de.
 past      now       soon 